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Volunteer Spotlight


Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Georgia had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"My favourite part about tutoring is getting to help a student develop confidence within their own abilities as this in turn helps them to thrive both academically and otherwise. The positive impact of tutoring on a student's self esteem and dedication to their learning is immense. With educational disparities being so prevalent, it is a privilege to work alongside Foster the Future to facilitate learning opportunities for students in out of home care."

— Georgia



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Yvonne had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"Educational privilege is something I've had all my life, so it's been really special for me to be able to give back. Volunteering with Foster the Future reignited my passion for learning and teaching and I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to make a difference, whatever size it may be."

— Yvonne



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Shauna had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"I watched my friends grow this charity from the beginning and loved the positive impact they were having on so many families. I wanted to get involved and help in whatever I could. I feel that using my speech pathology background has definitely helped me in understanding my kiddo and family a lot, and that has best helped me to support them to achieve their tutoring goals. Additionally, as I work full-time, this has been the perfect opportunity for me to give back and volunteer, but in a way that is manageable for me."

— Shauna



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Kei had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"I am so honoured to be a part of an organisation like Foster the Future which aims to bridge the education gap and help students make the most of their learning. It’s truly incredible what a difference can be made just by supporting these smart, ambitious, and resilient individuals.

And with only a one-hour time commitment per week, I really cannot recommend becoming a volunteer tutor enough."

— Kei



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Giorgia had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"I am a huge advocate for positive education and ensuring the skills learnt in tutoring can be transferrable to other aspects of life and school.

It is amazing how impactful the little things can be towards contributing to a student’s overall educational and social outcomes."

— Giorgia



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Anna had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"Foster the Future has been such a great opportunity to get to know a really impressive young woman. She is very bright, hardworking and determined. It is an absolute privilege to see her gain confidence and set higher and higher ambitions for herself.

Every young Australian deserves the opportunity to set and meet their educational objectives, and Foster the Future helps them do so.

Being a tutor has been a wonderfully rewarding experience, which I can highly recommend."

— Anna



Annabelle Bennett

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Here’s what Hugh had to say about volunteering with FTF:

"Foster the Future has enabled me to help students with their work.

The kids I tutor with Foster the Future are really smart and it's great to watch them develop and grow in confidence and capability."

— Hugh



Annabelle Bennett


Here’s what Kaitlyn had to say about volunteering with FTF:

“I have been incredibly fortunate in my education so far, and have been taken aback by the impact just one hour a week of tutoring can have on someone who hasn’t had the same opportunities as myself.

Foster the Future is doing incredible work in improving the provision of education to youth in care, and I’m grateful to be apart of it.

I can’t encourage others enough to get involved; it is such a small time commitment that can really mean a lot to someone else!”

— Kaitlyn



Annabelle Bennett


See what a carer had to say about Amith:

“What a difference Amith made - he has been wonderful!

Would definitely recommend Amith to any other kids in care who are struggling with maths”




Annabelle Bennett


Check out Adeline’s best study tip:

“Study less and learn more" - taking consistent breaks has been shown to improve cognitive performance, helping you learn more efficiently. It's a good idea to take a relaxing walk to improve your next study session!



Annabelle Bennett


“The lasting impacts an hour of tutoring a week can have on these students is unquantifiable, as is the reward of knowing you’re supporting a student that really needs it. Love being able to serve in this way.”

— James



Annabelle Bennett


“Education is the main ingredient in merging the gap between the marginalised and the fortunate. The work of Foster the Future is pivotal in providing equity and opportunity to students who may not have abundant access to education. I feel privileged to be part of an organisation who champions students and their access to education.”

— Suzannah



Annabelle Bennett


"Volunteering with Foster the Future has been a rewarding and humbling experience. The work of FTF is so important given the critical role education plays in reducing the inequality that currently exists for youths in out-of-home care and ensuring every single person, regardless of their background, has the chance to flourish. I have developed new skills and confidence as a tutor and really enjoyed watching students grow in their beliefs of themselves and their abilities. I hope to continue volunteering with FTF and encourage all university students with a passion for tutoring and mentoring to get involved in this organisation!"

— Mikaela



Annabelle Bennett


“Working with Foster the Future has given me an excellent opportunity to help students in out of home care, a demographic which is often overlooked. In an increasingly competitive world, providing educational support to these students assists them in attaining equal opportunities later in life. Being able to provide assistance to these students has been an exciting and rewarding experience and I would recommend anyone who is able to help assist in the program.”

— Jeremy



Annabelle Bennett


“I have been incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to tutor and mentor youth in care through Foster the Future. Foster the Future is becoming an increasingly important and necessary platform to facilitate more equitable educational outcomes for youth in care. It has been incredibly rewarding and I encourage other university students to participate in the program!”

— Symret



Annabelle Bennett


“The work Foster the Future is doing to remedy the educational inequities faced by kids in care is so important, and the response it has received from the community proves just how pressing an area of need this really is. As a tutor, it is a pleasure to find rapport with students and to guide them in their studies, and at a personal level, it is incredibly gratifying to feel that I am using my own education to help foster another’s. I really encourage Uni students across all subject areas to apply; the weekly commitment is small, and the resulting payoff so rich.

— Grace



Annabelle Bennett


"Working with FTF over the last semester has been a fantastic experience. It has been a privilege to be involved in the very important work the organisation does to help bridge the educational gap for children in out of home care. As a tutor, being able to help a student grow in confidence and ability has been very rewarding, and I look forward to continuing to be involved with FTF into the future."

— Patrick



Annabelle Bennett


“I really appreciate the work FTF does in reaching out to kids in out of home care who often experience a disrupted education. Having someone to guide them through their homework and exam preparation, or even just to talk to, can be enormously helpful to a student who might be struggling at school. It is very special to see students develop confidence in their academic abilities, and it is very fulfilling for tutors to be able to share their knowledge and skills in such a meaningful way. I am excited to see FTF continue to grow in the future.”

— Vanathy



Annabelle Bennett


‘I think Foster the Future is such an inspiring organisation. I know high school can be a difficult and stressful time for many people, so to be given the opportunity to make a difference to an individual’s experience is extremely rewarding to me. It is important that we take time to invest in our future generations, and Foster the Future is making big steps in aiding those in foster care to get to where they want to be. I feel so privileged to be a part of their journey.'

— Gemma



Annabelle Bennett


"I volunteer for Foster the future as I believe that it’s a worthwhile organisation which can positively influence the lives of those who take part in it. I really enjoy teaching and love that I have the opportunity to share some of the knowledge I have gained to assist in someone else’s education. Foster the future is targeting a real area of need in our community and I am glad that I am able to take part in an organisation which provides meaningful assistance to students in the foster care system.”

— Joel