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Our Programs


Our Program

Foster the Future is made up of university students looking to make a difference. Our university Tutors participate in a semesterly program (coinciding with high school term times). We train our volunteers to be able to provide assistance to High School students in need of a bit of extra help. Outside of term times students can receive class tutoring and one-on-one tutoring subject to availability.

Why not sign up to use the knowledge you already have and volunteer for a semester?


Grade & AGE

Foster the Future is targeted at youth in grades 9 through 12. Our tutors are university students who have recently completed their high school education and can provide advice and assistance to you for your year. Youth from Grades 7 & 8 are considered on a case by case basis.

location & time

Tutoring is usually completed in a mutually convenient location such as your town’s public library on a weekly basis. Our Volunteers are from around the Greater Sydney area. If you are outside of this area get in contact as we are always looking for people from different places to grow the community!


Our tutors come from a wide range of academic backgrounds. Depending on a student’s desired subjects for tutoring, we will match youth with a tutor who has completed these subjects and can provide insights and assistance in studying.

hsc & final exams

For those students preparing for their final Year 12 Exams we strongly encourage applying for a tutor as early as possible as our tutors are able to build up your exam skills before exam time.